General laws and sovereignty of federal entities


  • Brenda Ibarra Zavala Estudiante de Doctorado en Administración Publica ISAPAC



general laws, sovereignty, federal state


In the development of this essay, we are going to talk about the General Laws and the Federative Entities Sovereignty. For the above, we will define concepts such as State, Sovereignty, Law, we will pass through the legislative process, general law, and we will also see a little about how our country is divided
territorially in the political aspect. In the Mexican system, as we will see throughout the work, we speak of National Sovereignty, that is, of the sovereignty of a nation that is shaped, as will be explained, by thirty-two states that, according to what our Constitution establishes they are also sovereign. Then, the objective of the work is to conclude if the general laws interfere, interrupt or in some way violate the sovereignty that by constitutional mandate is inherent to the Federative Entities. Can sovereignty subsist within another sovereignty?


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How to Cite

Ibarra Zavala, B. (2019). General laws and sovereignty of federal entities. BIOLEX, 10(19 jul-dic), 119–136.
