The elections for governor in Sonora during the political alternation (1997-2015)
Political parties, Elections, Smear campaignAbstract
This article deals with the changes that have taken place in the electoral processes to elect the head of the State Executive since 1997, the year in which the process of political pluralization began in the state, until 2015, the date on which the most recent elections to elect governor. For this, the concept of "Cartelización" was used to analyze the way in which political parties in general have changed their way of operating during elections, going from being organized around an ideology to discarding it, and instead having as Almost unique goal winning elections; In addition, several academic studies were consulted, as well as journalistic notes referring to the period studied. The most relevant conclusions that the investigation showed are the consolidation of a bipartisan system, and the importance that dirty campaigns have acquired, used predominantly among the candidates to discredit their political opponents.
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