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  • José Alberto Fraijo Figueroa Universidad de Sonora México
  • Claudia Cecilia Norzagaray Benitez Universidad de Sonora México
  • Gabriel Bernardo López Pérez
  • Eneida Esmeralda Montaño Martínez Universidad de Sonora México



aprendizaje autónomo, autorregulación del aprendizaje, motivación académica, diseño instruccional, formación disciplinaria


Attending to the educational reforms of institutions of Higher Education in the generation of teaching conditions to train professionals who develop skills and knowledge in a process of fostering autonomy and lifelong learning. An exploration of the results obtained in the indicators that form the academic motivation dimension of students new to a Higher Education Institution to be used to possible proposals for teaching work and instructional design  that allow to orient their professional training under an autonomous learning perspective. Participants are 85 first grade students (72 women and 13 men) enrolled in a public university in the northwest of the Mexican Republic. A cross-sectional study was performed with a non-probabilistic sampling type with intact groups. The academic motivation dimension was assessed using the instrument Cuestionario de Motivación y Estrategias de Aprendizaje (CMEA). The Task Value, Control Beliefs, and Learning Self-Efficacy dimensions have the highest scores, and the Test Anxiety dimension has the lowest score. Some reflections and actions are presented that have themselves to be effective in promoting the indicators that make up the academic motivation dimension.


Key words: autonomous learning, self-regulation learning, disciplinary training, academic motivation, instructional design.


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Author Biographies

José Alberto Fraijo Figueroa, Universidad de Sonora México

Docente en el Departamento de Psicología y Ciencias de la Comunicación DCS, Universidad de Sonora. ORCID ID Miembro de la academia: Desarrollo humano y educación

Claudia Cecilia Norzagaray Benitez, Universidad de Sonora México

Docente en el Departamento de Psicología y Ciencias de la Comunicación DCS, Universidad de Sonora. ORCID ID Integrante del Núcleo Básico de la Maestría en Innovación Educativa y Posgrado en Psicología.

Gabriel Bernardo López Pérez

Estudiante del posgrado en el Doctorado en Psicología en la Universidad de Sonora

Eneida Esmeralda Montaño Martínez, Universidad de Sonora México

Docente en el Departamento de Psicología y Ciencias de la Comunicación DCS, Universidad de Sonora.


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2023-02-28 — Updated on 2023-02-28


How to Cite

Fraijo Figueroa, J. A. ., Norzagaray Benitez, C. C. ., López Pérez, G. B. ., & Montaño Martínez, E. E. . (2023). ACADEMIC MOTIVATION AND CLASSROOM WORK. BIOLEX, 15(26), 1–28.
