Emotional Regulation, cognitive reappraisal, emotional suppression, validity, reliability.Abstract
The Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (EQR-ME) is an instrument used to measure emotional regulation in adults and has been developed in the context of research. Objective: to perform psichometric validation of the Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (EQR-ME) in Mexican population. Methodology: the study sample included 510 adults over 18 years of age, with an average age of 37 years. Most of the participants were women (84%), while the remaining 16% were men. Participants completed various scales, including the Spanish version of the EQR-ME, the PANAS positive and negative affect scale, the perceived stress scale, resilient coping, and life satisfaction. Results; The confirmatory factor analysis findings supported the two-dimensional structure of the EQR-ME, indicating that the questionnaire effectively measures emotion regulation in this population. In addition, the internal consistency coefficients (Cronbach's alpha) suggested an adequate reliability of the questionnaire. Convergent and discriminant validity was also confirmed in the study, meaning that the EQR-ME is consistently related to similar concepts and distinguished from other different constructs. Conclusions: the psychometric results support that the EQR-ME is a valid and reliable tool to assess emotional regulation in Mexican adults. This suggests that the questionnaire can be used with confidence in future research and practice related to emotion regulation in this population.
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