Desafíos que debe enfrentar el derecho a partir de la pandemia SARS-CoV-2




desafíos jurídicos, COVID-19, pandemia, problemáticas legales, transformación restaurativa, contingencia mundial


This essay analyzes the main legal problems that arose - and continue to arise - in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic that is hitting the world and that has disrupted the way of conceiving the current reality. Some legal institutions that were once believed to be solid, have been involved in new enormous challenges, for which new perspectives of solution must be found, more effective, modern and updated to the current conjunctural climate, which allow their ontological transformation, to make facing the social, political and legal needs that the present demands.


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How to Cite

Lamas Meza, S. A. (2024). Desafíos que debe enfrentar el derecho a partir de la pandemia SARS-CoV-2. BIOLEX, 16(27).
