El artículo 170 de la Constitución Suiza; ¿Qué se ha logrado y qué queda por hacer?


  • Luzius Mader Universidad de Lausana.




Derecho constitucional


Article 170 of the Swiss Constitution is a new disposition which was introduced within the total revision of the Constitution. The abovementioned article comprehends not only a control of the effectiveness of political measures, but also its determination and evaluation. This study addresses the question about the consequences that article 170 has produced and additionally what can be expected in general of the development of evaluations.


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How to Cite

Mader, L. . (2019). El artículo 170 de la Constitución Suiza; ¿Qué se ha logrado y qué queda por hacer?. BIOLEX, 7(13 jul-dic), 43–50. https://doi.org/10.36796/biolex.v13i0.71
