¿Por qué la fatiga afecta a los Marineros más que a otros? Una voz en el debate sobre Derechos Humanos


  • Barbara Stępień Universidad Jaguelónica (Cracovia




Maritime law, fatigue, safe manning


In this article the author points out that a seafarer's profession is a risky and difficult profession, mainly due to a number of factors (resulting from the way of working and living at sea) contributing to fatigue. Fatigue is also considered to be a substantial contributing factor to the number of accidents at sea. The author analyzes various international regulations concerning fatigue at the sea. The article argues that the implementation of international regulations to the national legal systems might be not sufficient to resolve many problems of mariners and maritime industry. Despite the international standards, a significant decrease of fatigue of seafarers and the number of accidents at sea is not noticeable. It is concluded that international and national standards are often unsuited to the conditions of living and working at sea and that the inappropriate management on ships causes the problem of fatigue on boards also.


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How to Cite

Stępień, B. (2019). ¿Por qué la fatiga afecta a los Marineros más que a otros? Una voz en el debate sobre Derechos Humanos. BIOLEX, 7(13 jul-dic), 51–62. https://doi.org/10.36796/biolex.v13i0.72
