El delito silencioso contra las mujeres en la pareja
violencia de género, derechos humanos, delitoAbstract
In the international debate, two hypotheses arose about the origin of the abuse of women in couples: 1) the "benign", which it is considered that it has always existed and even in a greater extent, and the difference is that now women are more willing to report it and 2) the "climbing" which afirms that the change of women's social role and their process of empowerment, increases male violence by the difficulties of certain men to adapt and treat his colleagues as equals, giving up their ancestral privileges of gender, and therefore, to dominate and control over their lives. Probably, both hypotheses are true and the data is important, but what it is urgent among others, is to educate men, women and children about human rights, gender equality laws and advertise the institutions that protect women in order to have access to a life free of violence.
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