Tax Culture in Hermosillo, Sonora, México


  • María del Carmen Morales Tostado Docente Investigadora del Departamento de Contabilidad, Coordinadora de la Maestría en Fiscalización y Control Gubernamental, Universidad de Sonora.
  • Leivy Gisel Echeverría Rodríguez Egresada de la Maestría en Impuestos de la Universidad de Sonora.
  • Beatriz Elena Huerta Urquijo Profesora del Departamento de Contabilidad de la Universidad de Sonora.
  • Erika Lorena Quinto Lorenzo Estudiante de la Maestría en Fiscalización y Control Gubernamental de la Universidad de Sonora.



Taxation, Tax Culture and legality


The tax culture is an important reference in the government context, because it creates awareness for citizens to meet their tax obligations. Some studies indicate that in Mexico tax evasion reaches 2.6% of PIB, although strategies have been implemented to boost fiscal culture, they argue that they are misused by their rulers. The purpose of this article is to identify the tax culture that taxpayers possess in Hermosillo Sonora and propose actions to improve values, beliefs and attitudes about taxation. Within the methodological strategy of the investigation, it can be shared that it is descriptive, for the purpose of data collection, a Fiscal Culture survey was designed consisting of 5 blocks of multiple choice questions. Taxpayers who attended the Taxpayer Service module of the Tax Administration Service of Hermosillo Sonora participated and 300 surveys were applied. As part of the results, it is known that a high percentage of the taxpayers surveyed have low knowledge in relation to the taxes they are required to contribute, the destination of the taxes collected by the government is unknown, it is important to highlight that 73% of the Respondents agree that tax education can raise awareness among citizens to meet their tax obligations.


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How to Cite

Morales Tostado, M. del C., Echeverría Rodríguez, . L. G., Huerta Urquijo, B. E., & Quinto Lorenzo, E. L. (2019). Tax Culture in Hermosillo, Sonora, México . BIOLEX, 11(21 jul-dic), 63–80.


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