Women´s participation in the notarial function: notary or notary/inclusive language


  • A




lenguaje incluyente, notarial funcional


Through the examination of Jurisprudence, human rights incorporated in our National Constitution and their counterparts of the federative entities, the
national and local legislation as the Sonora State and certain national and foreign works related to the gender issue, it is concluded that it is urgent the intervention of the Mexican notarial guildin order to demand the intervention of the local congresses on harmonization of the corresponding legislation, to incorporate the gender perspective, to use an inclusive language and to make women visible in the notarial function in our country.


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Ley Nº 483, Ley del Notariado Plurinacional, La Paz, Bolivia, 25 de enero 2014



How to Cite

A. (2019). Women´s participation in the notarial function: notary or notary/inclusive language. BIOLEX, 10(19 jul-dic), 59–68. https://doi.org/10.36796/biolex.v19i0.12
