Incorporación masiva de la mujer al mundo laboral, factor determinante en las políticas de armonización Trabajo - Familia


  • Adria Velia González Beltrones Universidad de Sonora
  • Guadalupe Aleida Valenzuela Miranda Universidad de Sonora
  • María Dolores Rocha Ontiveros Universidad de Sonora
  • Alejandra Romano Nuñez Estudiante de la licenciatura en Derecho de la Universidad de Sonora



Family, work concilation


This paper highlights the desirability of valuate in its true dimension the sociodemographic phenomenon of the massively incorporation --since the end of the last century—from the woman to the working world, which directly impacts the family - work spaces.Men and women make up, participate, integrate and interact at the same time in the world of work and the family.Different social agents as the State, the public administrations involved in his favor through the issuing of laws of social security, employment etc, which arguably should be observed by both public
and private employers. Therefore,we should to question in what measured should the companies be to elaborate complementary policies in favor of workers in order to benefit the harmony between work and familiy áreas --for example schema work flexible, reduced working hours, shared jobs, paternity/maternity benefits, childcare,
scholarships among others--,in such a way that its implementation be valuated by the workforce in the same plane that is valuated the wage compensation, at the same time that the company is integrated to the number of socially responsible companies and both contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Goals (MGs)


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How to Cite

González Beltrones, A. V., Valenzuela Miranda, G. A., Rocha Ontiveros, M. D., & Romano Nuñez, A. . (2019). Incorporación masiva de la mujer al mundo laboral, factor determinante en las políticas de armonización Trabajo - Familia . BIOLEX, 7(12 ene-jun), 37–50.


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