About the Journal
BIOLEX Revista Jurídica del Departamento de Derecho se orienta primordialmente a la divulgación de trabajos de investigación, ensayos teóricos, reseñas de libros y aportaciones científicas en el area de las ciencias juridico sociales.
Current Issue
Biolex is a peer reviewed scientific journal of the Administrative Law Academy of the Law Department, Interdisciplinary Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Sonora, with known adress in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, with anual publication on it´s printed edition (ISSN:2007-5634) and periodical format on it's e-book and digital edition (ISSN: 2007-5545). It's a Journal financed by the University of Sonora, which is primary oriented towards the publication of academic research, theoritcal essays, book reviews and scientific contributions in the area of legal-social sciences.