

  • Carmen Mery carmen.morales@unison.mx
  • Rafael Ramírez Villaescusa Universidad de Sonora
  • Adria Velia González Beltrones Universidad de Sonora
  • Fernando Antonio Herrera Márquez Universidad de Sonora




Open Government, Right of Access to information, Accountability


Open government, Transparency and the right of Access to information, constitute the nerve center of good government. Open government strategies are built day by day considering economic, social, political and technical aspects.

In this research, the qualitative approach was chosen, with a descriptive and explonatory scope, information was collected to develop the legal framework and the State of Sonora was evaluated. The objective of this work is to analyze the background, evolution and results of open golvernment in the State of Sonora in fiscal year 2021, including the Access to public information.

Among the results, it was known that the Corrupction Perception Index determined by Transparency International. Mexico is ranked 124 out of 180 countries, in the years 2020 and 2021, with a score of 31 points, where the points rante from 100, which denotes absence of corruption, to 0, which reveals a lot of corruction.

Also, it was found that the Open Government Index (IGA), which determines open government metrics, with the support of the National Institute of Transparency and the Center for Economic Research and Teaching in 2021, in Mexico the IGA is 0.48, where 1 it is a transparent government open to citizen participation and 0 a government without openness. The State of Sonora obtains 0.51 and compared to the IGA of Mexico, which is 0.48, the State of Sonora is above that score with 0.51.


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How to Cite

Carmen Mery, Ramírez Villaescusa, R., González Beltrones, A. V., & Herrera Márquez, F. A. (2024). EVOLUTION OF OPEN GOVERNMENT AND ACCESS TO PUBLIC INFORMATION IN THE STATE OF SONORA IN THE YEARS 2021 AND 2022: Español. BIOLEX, 16(27). https://doi.org/10.36796/biolex.v16i27.381


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