Reforma Constitucional en Derechos Humanos y los Derechos Individuales y Colectivos de los Pueblos Indígenas en México
Human rights, Individual rights of indigenous women, obligations of the Mexican State, Responsabilities of the administrative authorities, Responsabilities of judicial authoritiesAbstract
In this paper, we will discuss two cases of indigenous women of Oaxaca in light of the Constitutional Reform of Human Rights of 2011,which shows the urgency of the Mexican State to meet 1) with the obligations under national and international standards that recognize individual and collective rights to indigenous people taking into account their lag and historical marginalization, for that all have access and protection of all their human rights, social, economic, cultural, civil and political, and 2) giving the indigenous communities of mechanisms available to enforce, to become a reality in your daily life which means adequacies Educational programs, health services, interpreters and translators in the administrative agencies and tribunals of federal entities. While it is not possible to get half of the Mexican Indians (girls and indigenous women) access and protection of all their human rights, the practice of democracy and the observance of the rule of law, justice and peace, would not be a reality in our country.
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