Right to quality educaction, Teaching of Law, Training of Jurists, Didactic methods, Teaching practiceAbstract
The right to a quality education (CPEUM: 3; PNUD,2020:4), obliges to Higher Education Institutions (HEI), to train students scientifically. To train a law student in science is to train jurists or professionals capable of operating on the legal norms so that in their preparation and validity they come to generate justice and equity, avoiding impunity and so many subsequent objectives that impact at the same time the rest of the human rights. Definitively differentiating the concepts of "Jurist" and "Trial Lawyer" seems simple, but it requires analyzing the methodological feasibility of an extraordinary training practice that allows students to aspire to be loving lovers of the Legal Norm (as an object of study of Law) and not just a "user" at its convenience. In a pandemic context, through virtual classes via TEAMS, this innovative didactic package is operated that has generated findings that could allow the replication of this exercise in any other interested law school
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